Dr. Yeşim Darici, PhD

Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Development and STEMM
Director of Women in STEM initiative, CASE
Professor of Physics

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae


Degree                        Institution                                           Field                            Dates

Ph.D.               University of Missouri-Columbia                    Physics                        1980-1985

Dissertation: Electric Field effects on Shallow Donor Impurities

Advisor: Thomas Wolfram, APS Fellow

B.S.                 Middle East Technical University                   Physics                        1979

Full-Time Academic Experience

Institution      Rank                                                   Field                            Dates

FIU                 Assistant Provost                                STEM                         2018-present

FIU                 Professor                                              Physics                      2016-present

FIU                 Director                                                  CWGS                        2011-present

FIU                 Associate Professor                            Physics                      1992-2016

FIU                 Assistant Professor                             Physics                      1987-1992

WVU              Research Associate                             Physics                      1984-1987

West Virginia University (WVU)

Part-Time Academic Experience

Institution      Rank                                                   Field                           Dates

FIU                 Faculty Fellow                                    Honors College           1999-2003  

UMC              Teaching Assistant                            Physics                        1980-1983             

University of Missouri-Columbia (UMC)

Non-Academic Experience

Place of Employment                                                Title                                        Dates

Amoco Research Center/Standard Oil of Indiana

Naperville, IL.                                                            Research Scientist                1983-1984    

Publications in Discipline
  1. S. M., Rose, S. Farhangi, Y. Darici, Strategic Career Development for STEM Women Faculty, IGI Global book “Faculty Development for Digital Teaching and Learning”, July 2018.
  2. M., Rose, & Y. Darici, Awareness, commitment and empowerment of women faculty. Proceedings of the International Women’s Congress, Ankara, Turkey, November 2016.
  3. PB Tiwari, PP Chapagain, S Banda, Y Darici, A Üren, YC Tse-Dinh. Characterization of molecular interactions between Escherichia coli RNA polymerase and topoisomerase I by molecular simulations. FEBS Lett.2016 Sep. 590:2844-51.
  4. S BandaPB Tiwari, Y Darici, YC Tse-Dinh. Investigating direct interaction between Escherichia colitopoisomerase I and RecA, Gene. 2016 Jul 1;585(1):65-70
  5. PB Tiwari, L Astudillo, K Pham, X Wang, J He, S Bernad, V Derrien, P Sebban, J Miksovska, Y Darici. Characterization of molecular mechanism of neuroglobin binding to cytochrome c: A surface plasmon resonance and isothermal titration calorimetry study. Inorganic Chemistry Communications, Volume 62, Pages 37-41, December 2015
  6. P B Tiwari,A Üren, J He, Y Darici, and X Wang. Note: Model identification and analysis of bivalent analyte surface plasmon resonance data, , Review of Scientific Instrument, 86, 106107 (2015)
  7. PB Tiwari, X Wang, J He, Y Darici Analyzing Surface Plasmon resonance data: Choosing a correct biphasic model for interpretation, Review of Scientific Instruments, 86 (3), 035001, 2015.
  8. P B Tiwari, L Astudillo, J Miksovska, X Wang, W Li, Y Darici and J He. Quantitative Study of Protein-Protein Interaction by Quartz Nanopipettes, Nanoscale, 6, 10255-10263, 2014.
  9. P B Tiwari, T Annamalai, B Cheng, G Narula, X Wang, YC Tse-Dinh, J He, and Y Darici. A surface plasmon resonance study of the intermolecular interaction between Esherichia colitopoisomerase I and pBAD/Thio supercoiled plasmid DNA., Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 445 (2), 445-450, 2014.
  10. Y P Shan, P B Tiwari, P Krishnakumar, I Vlassiouk, W Z Li, X W Wang, Y Darici, S M Lindsay, H D Wang, S Smirnov, and J He. Surface modification of graphene nanopores for protein translocation, Nanotechnology, 24 (49), 495102, 2013.
  11. P Krishnakumar, P B Tiwari, S Staples, T Luo, Y Darici, J He & S M Lindsay. Mass transport through vertically aligned large diameter MWCNTs embedded in parylene, Nanotechnology 23 (45) 455101, 2012.
  12. L Cai, X Wang, Y Darici, P.A. Dowben, J Zhang Energetics of the dipole flip-flop motion in a ferroelectric polymer chain,   of Chem. Phys.  Vol.126 (12), 124908, Mar. 28, 2007.
  13. N M. Mulchan, M Rodriguez, O’ Shea , Y Darici, Application of a high resolution SPR technique for monitoring real-time metal/dielectric interactions. Sensors and Actuators B 88, 132-137, 2003.
  14. Zumbiehl, S. Mergui, M. Ayoub, M Hage-Ali, Zerrai, K. Cherkaoui, G. Marrakchi, Y. Darici. Compensation Origins in II-VI CZT Materials, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, vol. B71, pp297-300, 2000.
  15. Jin, J. A. Rodriguez, C. Z. Li, Y. Darici, N.J. Tao Self -assembly of Aromatic Thiols on Au (111). Vol 425, pp. 101-111, Surface Science, 1999.
  16. Darici, P.H. Holloway, J. Sebastian, T. Trottier, S. Jones and J. Rodriguez Electron Beam Dissociation of CO and CO2 on ZnS Thin Films, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 17 (3) May/June 1999.
  17. Milano, Y. Ke, N. Tao, X. Wang, and Y. Darici. Structural Studies of Sulfur-Passivated GaAs(100) Surfaces with LEED and AFM, Vol 1-2, pp 29-36, 30 Sept. 1998 Surface Science, 1998.
  18. Wu, L. Liu, J. Marcano, P. Nichols, S. Mergui and Y. Darici Temperature Studies of Sulfur Passivated GaAs(100) Contacts, Material Science and Engineering B. Solid State Materials for Advanced Technology 46 (61), 1997.
  19. Subbarao, F. Wu and Y. Darici. User Friendly Digital Image Processing System for Low Energy Electron Diffraction Applications, IEEE Southeastcon ’93, 8 pages, April, 1993.
  20. Y Wang, Y Darici and P H. Holloway Surface Passivation of GaAs with P2S5 – Containing Solutions , Journal of Applied Physics, 71 (6) 15 March, 1992.
  21. Darici, H. Min, J. Marcano and P. A. Montano LEED Study of Fe Epitaxially Grown at 190oC on Cu(100), Surface Science 217, 521-528, 1989.
  22. Marcano, Y. Darici, H. Min and P. A. Montano LEED Study of 1 Monolayer Fe Deposited on Cu(110), Surface Science 217, 1-12, 1989.
  23. Darici, T. Wolfram, H. R. Chandrasekhar and D. Cowan,Electric Field Effects on Excitons and Shallow Donor Impurities, Physical Review B, Vol.38, 14, 9686-9693, 1988.
  24. Darici, J. Marcano, H. Min and P. A. Montano. LEED Measurements of one monolayer of Iron Epitaxially Grown on Cu(111) , Surface Science 195, 566-578, 1988.
  25. )”, P. A. Montano, G. W. Fernando, B. R. Cooper, E. R. Moog, H. M. Naik, S. D. Badar, Y. C. Lee, Y. N. Darici, H. Min, and J. Marcano Two Magnetically-Different Closely Lying States of fcc Iron Grown on Copper (100), Physical Review Letters, 59, 1041, 1987.

      26. Y. Darici, J. Marcano, H. Min and P. A. Montano. LEED Measurements of Fe Epitaxially Grown on Cu(100) , Surface Science 182, 477-488, 1987.

Other Publications and Proceedings
  1. Darici, Community and Learning Environment Matters for a Successful Undergraduate Program article and the visiting editor for CSWP (Committee on Status of Women in Physics) and COM (Committee on Minorities) Gazette, Vol.30, NO.2, fall 2011.
  2. Serpenguzel, Y. Darici Photoluminescence from a VCSEL structure a-SiNx:H microcavity., Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, QELS, IEEE, Technical Digest, pages 254-255, 1999.
  3. Serpenguzel, Y. Darici, Photoluminescence from a VCSEL structure a-SiNx:H microcavity, Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO, IEEE, pages 527-528, 1999.
  4. Vlasov, R. Soto, J. Rodriguez, S. Merqui, Y. Darici, and G. L. Larkins Jr. Superconducting Yba2Cu3Ox on (100) GaAs with MgO Buffer Layers, Digest of INTERMAG’97, IEEE, p.HD-05, 1997.
Prensented Papers, Invited Talks, Posters and Abstracts
  1. Celebrating FIU’s Next Horizon – special guest speaker, January 26, 2019
  2. MARKA 2018 Conference – International Brand Conference – presentation titled A Life Story: Ignoring Boundaries and Marching Through Systematic Bias, Istanbul, Turkey, December 12-12, 2018
  3. 34th International Physics Congress – Turkish Physical Society presentation titled Women in STEM, Bodrum, Turkey, September 5-8, 2018
  4. International Women’s Day presentation titled Status of Women in Today’s World. Reality vs Rhetoric, Miami Dade College, March 2018
  5. Rose, S.M., Darici, Y., Farhangi, S. A Qualitative Analysis of the Intersectional Identities and Gender and Race Attitudes of Men STEM Faculty, 2017 NSF ADVANCE/GSE Program, Washington D.C., October 8-10, 2017
  6. Rose, S.M., Darici, Y., Farhangi, S. Awareness, Commitment and Empowerment Of Women Faculty, STEMM Equality Congress, Berlin, Germany, June 8-9, 2017
  7. Farhangi, S., Hospital, M.M., Rose, S.M., & Darici, Y. The Intersectionalities of STEM Men Faculty: An Unexplored Barrier for Recruiting STEM Women of Color? NSF ADVANCE Conference, Baltimore, MD, 2016
  8. Rose, S.M., Darici, Y., Eaton, A., Hickey-Vargas, R. FIU ADVANCE Strategies for Elevating Concerns of Women NSF ADVANCE Conference. Baltimore, MD., 2015
  9. “Work Force Development: Advancement of Women and Minorities” Florida Atlantic University, FAU AWIS invited talk, February 2015.
  10. “Molecular interaction between Escherichia coli topoisomerase I and pBAD/Thio supercoiled plasmid DNA” (Biophysical Society meeting, Baltimore, MD (February 7-11, 2015)
  11. “FIU ADVANCE Strategies for Elevating Concerns of Women Faculty” NSF ADVANCE/GSE (Gender in Science and Engineering) program workshop. Presented two oral presentation and one poster session. Baltimore, MD (May 31st-June 2nd, 2015)
  12. “Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy for graphene surface modification and protein translocation through the chemically modified graphene nanopore.” (American Physical Society March meeting, Denver, CO, March 3-7, 2014)
  13. Rose, S.M., Darici, Y., Eaton, A., Hickey-Vargas, R., & Stewart, A. Progress and Challenges with Advancing Women in STEM at Florida International University. National Science Foundation ADVANCE Conference, Alexandria, VA, March, 2014.
  14. “Quartz nanopipettes for the study of protein-protein interaction “
    (Poster presentation, Biophysical Society meeting, San Francisco, CA, February 15-19, 2014)
  15. Plenary Address, “National Science Foundation, STRIDE Grant Plenary Session Educating Colleagues about Inequality and Unconscious Bias” International Women’s Issues Conference, University of Central Florida, Feb. 2014.
  16. “Confidence: Building Warrior Women: Leadership Tactics” invited talk at LouKa Tactical Training workshop, May 14, 2014.
  17. “Conical nanopore: A platform for sensing protein-protein molecular interaction”.
    (Oral presentation, Nanoflorida conference, Gainesville, FL, September 29-30, 2013)
  18. Rose, S.M., Darici, Y., Hickey-Vargas, R., & Eaton, A. A. “Early Success of ADVANCE Hiring Strategies at Florida International University”. NSF annual ADVANCE workshop Poster presentation, Alexandria, VA, March 2013.
  19. Speaking out: retaliation against rape, Interview with Isaac Ortiz/ Contributing Writer, The Beacon, FIU student paper interview, 2013.
  20. “Electric field controlled small molecule transport through vertically aligned large diameter multiwalled carbon nanotube forest membrane”, Purushottam Tiwari, Padmini Krishnakumar, Yesim Darici & Jin He, American Physical Society March Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 18-22 (2013).
  21. “Everybody Needs Mentoring” invited talk at Girl Power 2nd Annual Mentoring Ceremony, 2013.
  22. “Diversity and Unconscious Bias” Workshop Presentations to FIU Search and Screen Committees, 2012-Present.
  23. “Study of Ca2+ and Mg2+ binding to DREAM protein using SPR”.
    (Joint annual meeting of NHBP and NHSP, Austin, TX, September 21-24, 2011)
  24. “Who did Einstein’s Math” Celebration of Women in Science, 2011.
  25. “SPR Study of Conformational Changes of protein-DNA Complexes” Yesim Darici, Xuewen Wang, Kalai Mathee, Meijin Shi, Angel Freixas, ChinaNANO 2007, International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology. June 4-6, Beijing China, 2007.
  26. “The energetics of the dipole flip-flop motion in a ferroelectric polymer chain” Lei Cai, Xuewen Wang, Yesim Darici, P.A. Dowben, and Jiandi Zhang,  ChinaNANO 2007 International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology. June 4-6, Beijing China, 2007.
  27. “Surface/Interface Studies on Chiral Molecules self-assembled on Au(111)” Yesim Darici, Neil Mulchan, American Association of Physics Teachers, AAPT National Meeting in Miami, FL, 2004.
  28. “Surface Science with SPR, AES and XPS” invited talk California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA, 2002.
  29. “Compensation Origins in II-VI CZT Materials” A. Zumbiehl, S. Mergui, M. Ayoub, M Hage-Ali, Zerrai, K. Cherkaoui, G. Marrakchi, Y. Darici, presented at the E-MRS in Strasbourg, France, June 3, 1999.
  30. “Yba2Cu3O7 on ZrO2 Buffered (100) Si Processing and Characterization”, J. Rodriguez, Y. Darici, A. Lacambra and G.L. Larkins, Applied Superconductivity Conference, California (1998)
  31. “Atomic Structure of Sulfur on GaAs (100) with LEED and AFM”, S. Milano, Y. Ke, N. Tao, X. Wang, and Y. Darici, AVS Meeting, Orlando, Florida, February, 1997.
  32. “Electron Beam Dissociation of CO and CO2 on Zinc Sulfide Thin Films”, Y. Darici and S. Milano, AVS Meeting, Orlando, Florida, February, 1997.
  33. “Superconducting Yba2Cu3Ox on (100) GaAs with MgO Buffer Layers”, Yu. Vlasov, R. Soto, J. Rodriguez, S. Merqui, Y Darici, and G.L. Larkins Jr. IEEE, 1997.
  34. “Structural Studies of Sulfur Passivated Gallium Arsenide (100) Surfaces with LEED and AFM, invited talk, University of Miami, Nov. 1997.
  35. “Temperature Studies of Sulfur Passivated GaAs (100) Contacts”, D. Wu, L. Liu, J. Marcano, P. Nichols, S. Mergui, and Y. Darici, E-MRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, June 4, 1996.
  36. “Study of Sulfur Bonding on Gallium Arsenide (100) Surfaces Using Supercritical Fluid Extraction”, P. Cabauy, Y. Darici and K.G. Furton, ACS Annual Meeting, California, March, 1995.
  37. “The Use of High Temperature Supercritical Fluid Extraction to Study Sulfur Bonding on Gallium Arsenide Semiconductor Surfaces” P. Cabauy, Y. Darici and K.G. Furton, ACS Annual Meeting of the Florida Sections, May, 1995.
  38. “Thermal Desorption of Sulfur from GaAs Surfaces”, Y. Darici, D. Wu, J. Marcano, G. Fisher, and P.H. Holloway, 39th Annual AVS Symposium and Topical Conferences, Chicago, IL, Nov., 1992.
  39. “Sulfur Passivation of GaAs Surfaces”, Y. Wang, Y. Darici, and P. H. Holloway, Second International Meeting on Advanced Processing and Characterization Technologies, Clearwater, FL, May, 1991.
  40. “Sulfur Passivation of GaAs Surfaces”, Y. Wang, P. H. Holloway, and Y. Darici, 37th Annual AVS Symposium and Topical Conferences, Nov., 1991.
  41. “Passivation of GaAs (100) Surfaces”, Y. Darici, W. Leung, Y. Wang, and P. H. Holloway, American Physical Society, Anaheim, CA, March, 1990.
  42. “Analysis of P2S5/NH4OH Passivated GaAs Surfaces”, Y. Wang, Y. Darici, and P. H. Holloway, Seventeenth Annual Conference Physics and Chemistry of Semiconductor Interfaces, Clearwater, May, 1990.
  43. “Passivation of GaAs(100) Surfaces”, Y. Wang, Y. Darici, and P.H. Holloway, Seventeenth Annual Conference Physics and Chemistry of Semiconductor Interfaces, Clearwater, May, 1990.
  44. “LEED Measurements on Fe Epitaxially Grown on Cu (100) at 1900C”, Y. N. Darici, H. Min, J. M. Marcano, and P. A. Montano, American Physical Society, New Orleans, March, 1988.
  45. “LEED Measurements of Iron Epitaxially Grown on Cu (110)”, J. Marcano, H. Min, Y. Darici, and P. A. Montano, American Physical Society, New Orleans, March, 1988.
  46. “LEED Measurements of Iron Epitaxially Grown on Cu (111)” Y. Darici, J. Marcano, H. Min, and P. A. Montano, American Physical Society, New York, March, 1987.
  47. “LEED Measurements of Iron Epitaxially Grown on Cu (100)” Y. Darici, J. Marcano, H. Min, and P. A. Montano, American Physical Society, Las Vegas, March, 1986.
  48. “Electric Field Effects on Shallow Donor Impurities and Excitons” Y. Darici, American Physical Society, Baltimore, March, 1985.
  • FIU, College of Arts, Sciences & Education, Annual 2017 Magazine, “The STEM Sisterhood – Three Women, Three Stories, One Movement”.
  • AWIS (Association for Women in Science) Fall 2017 Magazine, “Defining Leadership through Action: An Interview with Dr. Yesim Darici”
  • FIU Arts, Sciences & Education 2016 magazine “Unlikely Advocate: Women’s and Gender Studies director is a career physicist with a passion for equality”
  • Breaking News USA, breakingnewsusa.com/2014, “University Faculty Blasts FIU Decision to Host Donald Trump Beauty Pageant”
  • com speaking out: retaliation against rape, an interview
  • fiu.edu/2012 Professor contributes to nationwide university diversity initiatives
  • fiu.edu/news/2011 FIU receives Innovative Grant for Women in Science
  • FIU, Sponsored Research, Annual Report 2000-2001, The Making of a First-Rate Physicist
  • PBS TV PROGRAM – “Scientific research in our daily Lives” – 1997 – Present. This is a 20 minute talk recorded by PBS TV crew in my laboratory explaining scientific research in my area and its effect in our daily lives.
Funded Research
  1. Furton, K. (PI), Rose, S., Heithaus, M., Jung, R., & Darici, Y. (Co-PIs). FIU ADVANCE. NSF ADVANCE Institutional Transformation grant, 9/15/2016-8/31/2021, $3,200,000.
  2. PIs: Y Darici and N Duman, “ Global Women’s Summit” conference ( May 16-18, in Ankara) support from the Republic of Turkey, 2015, $40,000.00
  3. Co-PIs: Y Darici, A Eaton, R Hickey-Vargas, PI: S Rose, “The ACE Partnership for Adaptation Implementation, and Dissemination: Awareness of, Commitment to, and Empowerment of women scientists at Florida International University (FIU)” NSF, 2010-2015, $573,419.
  4. Key Personnel: Y Darici, FIU- Upward Bound, Department of Education, 2009-Present, $5,000/year.
  5. Co-PI: YDarici, PI: J. Zhang, Acquisition of an In-situ Structural Monitoring System in a Laser-MBE/STM Facility for complex Materials Research and Education., NSF, 2002-2004, $97,150.
  6. Co-PIs: Y Darici, S Mintz, R Bone, PI: L Kramer, An Active Learning Environment for Introductory Physics At FIU, NSF, 2001-2004, $55,138.00.
  7. Co-PIs: Y Darici and four other faculty from College of Engineering, PI: Malek Adjouadi, Educational Innovations in Science, Engineering and Mathematics, with a comprehensive Student Pipeline: From Pre-College to Graduate Studies, Promoting Recruitment, Retention and Academic Excellence., Department of Naval Research, 1999-2003, $2,300,445.00.
  8. Key Personnel: Y Darici, PI: S Santiesteban, South Florida-Secondary Teacher Equity in Mathematics and Science (SF-STEMS) NSF, 2003-2006, $199,958.
  9. Key Personnel: Y Darici, PI: M Fernandez, FL PROMISE, Department of Education, 2008-2010, $374,714, $20,000/year.
  10. Co-PI: Y Darici, PI: N. Tao, Thin Film Structural Analysis Facility, Department of Defense/ Army Research Office, 1998-2000, $372,000.
  11. Co-PIs: S. Mergui, K.Wu, T.Babij, J. Adrian, Y. Darici, .Jones, and C. VanVliet, PI: G. Larkins, Future Aerospace Science and Technology in Microwave Cryoelectronics for Space Applications, Air Force, 1995-2001, $ 5,341,345, $100,000/year.
  12. Key Personnel: Yesim Darici, Switch-On, FL State, 1994-2014, $ 5,000/year.
  13. PI: Y Darici, Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope, National Security Agency, 1994-1995, $200,000, $200,000/year.
  14. Co-PIs: Y Darici and S Mintz, PI: George Simms, Pre-Freshman Enrichment Program for Minority Students, Department of Energy, 1992-1994, $40,000, $10,000/year.
  15. Co-PI Y Darici PI: K Jones at FIU, Surface Passivation of Gallium Arsenide, DARPA, 1988-1991, $100,000/year.

August 2017   “Model identification and analysis of bivalent analytes using surface plasmon resonance”

United States Patent: 9740818

Inventors: X.W. Wang, Y. Darici, P. Tiwari

Professional Honors, Prixes, Fellowships, Awards

2018                FIU’s 30 Years of Service and Recognition Award

2017                Science and Technology Award Recipient – Miami-Dade County In the Company of Women 29th Annual Awards Ceremony

2017                FIU’s CASE Faculty Award Recipient for Engagement

2016                FIU President’s Access and Equity Award

2015                Nominated, Provost Award for Outstanding Mentorship

2015                “Global Women’s Summit Conference” President in Ankara, Turkey

2014                Ph.D. Student Mr. Tiwari, FIU first place award scholarly forum research competition

2014                Lou Ka Tactical Training Certificate of Appreciation

2013                Global Advisor, HEAR CONGO

2013                PhD student Mr. Tiwari received second prize in Physics Graduate Research Competition

2013                25 Year FIU Employee Service Award

2013                Ph.D. Student Mr. Shi, received Doctoral Evidence Acquisition Fellowship

2012                Faculty Advisor, Footprints Foundation

2011                Nominated, Outstanding Women in Science and Technology, In the company of Women

2010                Global Learning Faculty Development Certificate

2010                FIU Recognition Awards, in Recognition of nomination for the FIU President’s Access and Equity Award

1997                Florida International University Foundation “Excellence in Teaching” award.

1996                Florida State University System “Teaching Incentive Program award.

1992                Certificate of Appreciations/Awards from FIU Pre-College Programs, FIU Advising, FIU Faculty Senate, and Miami-Dade Public Schools

1980-1983       O. M. Steward Fellow, University of Missouri-Columbia

Professional Societies

Miami Dade County Women’s Chamber of Commerce, American Physical Society, American Association of University Women, Southeastern Women Studies Association, National Women’s Studies Association, Materials Research society, American Vacuum Society, AWIS

Professional Service

2018                Presented as part of the Building Global Leaders International Speaker Series on “The Status of Women in Today’s World: Reality vs. Rhetoric” at Miami Dade College.

2017                Panelist and Speaker, NSF ADVANCE/GSE Program Workshop Broadening Participation: Intersectionality, “From Insight to Action: ADVANCE  Interventions that Promote Behavioral Change”, Washington, DC.

2017                Grant reviewer for NSF ADVANCE, Washington D.C.

2015                Panelist and Speaker, International Women’s Unity Summit

2014                Participant, National Women’s Studies Association, Program Administration and Development Committee Workshop

2014                Panel Chair, Women in Science lunch and learn at FIU

2013-2014     Organizer, High School Essay Writing Competition, Dade and Broward County

2013                Invited to University of Michigan workshop Strategies toward Excellent Practices (STEP) in departments.

2013                Invited Speaker for Hear Congo at A night to unite and end violence event.

2013                Attended Institute for Academic Leadership (IAL.)

2012                Invited to Department of Physics, Yale University to evaluate the diversity initiative and the status of women. Follow up extensive report submitted to the Provost of Yale University.

2011-Present  Consultant to FAU for NSF ADVANCE grants submission.

2011-2012       Panelist to discuss human trafficking and the screening of Movie “The Whistle Blower”

2011                  Session organizer and Chair for APS April meeting “Initiatives for broadening participation of minorities in graduate level physics.”

2011                  Session co-organizer and co-chair for APS April meeting, “Enhancing performance and retention of underrepresented students in undergraduate physics.”

2010                  Participant, Pearson Science University Physics Forum

2010                  Participant at NSF ADVANCE workshop

2009-2012       Reviewer for APS physics scholarships

2009-2012       National mentor for minority physics students for APS.

2009-2012       Member, Committee on Minorities (COM), American Physical Society (APS)

2008-2010       Florida Promise, Training Title V high school teachers.

2007                  Session Chair, ChinaNano Conference Beijing China.

2006                  NSF GRFPexperienced reviewer.

2006-2009       Reviewer for NSFGraduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)

2004-2008       Public Lectures on “Nanoscience” at public schools.

2004-2006       Member, United States WYP Physics Talent Search Committee

2004                  Organizer, Presider, “Lation American Women in Physics”, American Association of Physics Teachers, AAPT National Meeting in Miami, FL, 2004.

2002-2008       Elected Education Officer of National Society of Hispanic Physicist (NSHP)

2002-2003       Reviewer for Langmuir

1999 – 2004    Public Lectures on “Our Solar System “at Public Schools.

1998-2003       South Florida Representative of National Society of Hispanic Physicists.

1994-1997       Science Fair Judge

1993-1994       Reviewer for NASA grants

1992-2017       Dade County minority students summer enhancement programs. Switch on (State Funded), Upward Bound (DO Education.)

1992-1996       Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, Teachers Teaching Teachers, TORCH program, Florida State Coordinator.

1992-1995       Reviewer for Material Science and Engineering B

1992                  Participant, Workshop for Pre-Freshman Enrichment Program, Department of Energy

1987-1988       Dade County High School Teachers Training program. Lectures on laser theory, Demonstrations and hands on experiments.

FIU Service

2018                Co-ChairFIU’s 2025 Strategic Plan Committee

2018                Co-Hosted a CASE donor relations event at an FIU football game with the Dean    

2018                Panelist in STEMCon 2018 Undergraduate Student Success Conference in a session titled “Outlook and Opportunities for Minorities in STEM”

2018                Moderator and speaker, Our Common Future: Women in STEM Roundtable

2017                Participated in leadFIU Alumni Summit

2017                Panelist at the “Annual Women in Science Seminar”

2017                Invited speaker, Society for the Advancement of Women in STEM – “Q&A with Dr. Darici”.

2016                Completed leadFIU’s Executive Leadership Development Program

2015                Panel Chair, Moderator, LACC-SIPA-Foundation of Human Rights, Cuba, International Women’s Conference, Gender Violence in the Americas

2014-Present  Mentor for two female FIU Faculty

2014-2015       Member, Dean Search committee for Art and Sciences Dean, FIU

2014-2015       Member, FIU Preeminent Programs Strategic Committee

2014-2015       Chair, Provost’s Council, for the Advancement of Women and Minorities

2011-Present  STRIDE committee member for NSF ADVANCE Grant

2011                Presentation on “Mythological Amazon Women” At WSGS conference.

2011                Film Screening for PBS: Women, War and Peace

2011-Present  Member, FIU Diversity Initiative

2011-2014       Organized summer research programs for high school students.

2010                Creating a New online science Course with online lab: IDS 3212 and IDS 3212L The Global Scientific Revolution and Its Impact On Quality of Life: Satisfies Global and UCC requirement in Physical Sciences

2009-2010       Member, Search Committee for the chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering

2009-2010       Member, Search and Screen Committee for the Chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

2008-2012       Organized women empowering meetings, tea party at Darici residence, for graduate and undergraduate female students

2008-2011       Chair, Department of Physics Space Committee

2004-2006       Member, MARC student selection committee

2003-2005       Member, tenure and promotion committee

2003-2005       Faculty Senator

2002-2003       University Calendar Committee

2002-2003       Member, review committee of biomedical engineering

                            Member, review committee of Industrial and Systems Engineer

2002                  Organizer and Moderator, Honors Forum for Nobel Prize Winner, Murray Gell-Mann

2001-2004       Member, Search and screen committees (4 of them) for College of Engineering

2001-2003       Member, President’s Advisory Council

1999-2000       Chair, Undergraduate committee      

1996-2000       Vice-Chair, College curriculum Committee

1993-1994       Member, Department of Biology TIP committee

1992-1994       Elected Faculty Senator

1990-2001       Member, University Curriculum Committee

1990-2000       Member, College Budget Committee

1990-1994       Chair, Department Budget Committee

Administrative Service

2015–Present Established 3 new initiatives: Women in STEM, Gender Based Violence Prevention, and FIU’s 100 Women.

2013-2014       Center Self Study/Center Review

2013-Present  Develop Program Identity: Gender/Conflict and Violence and Started the Violence against Women Initiative

2013-2014       Introduced a new course: WST 3106 Introduction to Global Diversity

2012-2013       Hosted Women’s Studies Center Strategic Planning Meeting

2011-Present  Organizing at least 8 events/year, and sponsoring and participating in at least 20 more events/year

2011-2012       Revised the curriculum for the Women’s and Gender Studies BA and undergraduate certificate programs to enable students to graduate on time

2011-2015       Establishing 2.0 Online BAs and Certificates for the CWGS

2011-2015       Recruited four Advisory Board Members for the SISH Advisory Board

2011-Present Fundraising Activities, Raised amount ~ $ 320,000.00 ~ 1 million.

2011-Present Preparing and Publishing center annual reports, brochures and flyers

2011-Present  Developing local, national and international partnerships

PhD. Students-Major Professor

1. Srikanth Banda, graduated with Ph.D. in Biochemistry, 2017 – Scientist at Cipla Pharmaceuticals, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Duration: 2012-2017
Dissertation Title: Protein-Protein Interactions Of Bacterial Topoisomerase I

2. Purusothom Tiwari, graduated with PH.D. in Physics, April 2015 – Research Specialist, Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, Department of Ongology, Georgetown University, Washington, DC
Duration: 2009-2015
Dissertation Title: Multimode Analysis of Nanoscale Biomolecular Interactions
Awards: 1. Second Place Award, Physics Department graduate student oral research competition 2. First place award GPSC (Graduate and Professional Student Committee, FIU, in physics category 3. Best dissertation award, College of Arts and Sciences, FIU.

3. Meijin Shi, graduated with PH.D. in Physics, April 2011 – Scientist at Invitrogen, Grand Island, NY
Duration: 2005-2011
Dissertation Title: The Construction and Optimization of a SPR Sensor for the Studies of Bio-Molecular Interactions
Awards: Received Doctoral Evidence Acquisition (DEA) Fellowship

4. 15 Master Students – Major Professor

5. More than 30 committee member of Masters & Ph.D. students